Friday, December 30, 2011

India's Top Retail Websites for Online Shopping

Retail Websites for Online Shopping

If you are serious buyer and looking for trusted online shopping website then here you can find list of India's top retail websites for online shopping. I think online shopping can change your life style totally.

List of India's Online Shopping Websites

I think these are the best websites for online shopping in India. If you want to buy any product and looking to buy online then you can visit the above said websites and enjoy your shopping.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Google Online Marketing Challenge - GOMC 2012 - Student and Professor Registration Important Dates

The Google Online Marketing Challenge (GOMC)

About: The Google Online Marketing Challenge (GOMC) is an exciting opportunity for students to experience online marketing and creating online marketing campaigns using Google AdWords. As well, students and their professors can win great prizes. Over 50,000 students from almost 100 countries have participated in past Challenges.

With a US$250 budget provided by Google, students develop an online advertising strategy for a real business or non-profit organization that has not used AdWords in the last six months. The global winners and their professor receive a trip to the Google Headquarters in Mountain View, California to meet with the AdWords team. Regional winners and their professor receive a trip to a regional Google office.

The competition is open to enrolled undergraduate or graduate students, regardless of major, with teams ranging in size from three to six. All students must register under a verified professor/instructor at a higher education institution.

Competition Registration

Professor Registration

Professors register for the Challenge from November 15, 2011 to May 1, 2012. Once a professor registers, he or she will get a confirmation email. Google will verify their employment at the educational institution. Verification may vary depending on the institution.

Student Registration

Students can register from January 31, 2012 to May 11, 2012. Professors MUST have registered before students can register their student teams on the dashboard

Key Dates for GOMC 2012

Professor registration:
November 15, 2011 to May 1, 2012

Student registration:
January 31, 2012 to May 11, 2012 3

Week campaign window:
January 31, 2012 - June 8, 2012

Deadline for uploading campaign report:
June 15, 2012

Global and regional winners announcement: Late July, 2012

Social Impact Award winners announcement: Late August, 2012

Best Social Media Page Award winners announcement: Details to follow soon!

For more details about GOMC, visit:

Monday, December 26, 2011

Six Steps for Claiming Blog in Technorati ?

Steps for Claiming Blog in Technorati ?

You can see their are many blogs which are listed in Technorati. Everyone want to see their blog in Technorati and the process of adding blog in Technorati is very easy. Actually Technorati change the concept of adding blog and here you can learn how can you add your blog in Technorati.

Read Six steps for claiming your blog in Technorati

Step 1: Sign up for Technorati.

Step 2: Sign into Technorati and go to your profile page and in your profile you will see option for 'Start a blog claim'.

Step 3: Enter the URL of your blog in the 'Start a blog claim' and then click the button 'claim'.

Step 4: Technorati will send you a mail with subject 'Technorati Claim in progress [Update]' Technorati will need to verify that you are an author of the site by looking for a unique code. Actually, Technorati will send you a 'claim token'.

Step 5: Add the 'cliam token' in your RSS feed with new publishing post and then click the button 'verify' You will again get a mail with following message from Technorati.

Thank you for submitting your blog claim on Technorati. We have successfully crawled your blog and found the claim token, and your claim is now awaiting review.

Step 6: Now, wait for 8-10 days Technorati will review your blog and will send final approval mail.

I recently added Blogging Alerts into Technorati Technology Blogs

Friday, December 23, 2011

Do You Know Google Gave More Than $100 Million to Various Charitable Organizations in 2011 ?

Google gave more than $100 million to Various Organizations

This year (in 2011) Google gave more than $100 million to various organizations around the world including $40 million in grants that celebrate the giving season by supporting four causes that we consider particularly important: science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education; girls' education; empowerment through technology; and fighting human trafficking and modern-day slavery.

According to Google: Because of your partnership, this giving season we’ve been able to contribute to charitable organizations that are working to improve the lives of millions of people around the world.

You can watch a video on Google Gives Back 2011

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Google Doodle - Happy Holidays from Google !

Google Made a Google Doodle Saying Happy Holidays !

Google Adsense team has already wished Happy Holidays on their official blog and Google is also decorating with too many amazing queries and Now on 23rd December 2011 Google is saying "Happy Holidays" by making a very special Google Doodle. You will surely like this Happy Holidays Google Doodle.

Happy Holidays Google Doodle

According to Wikipedia
in USA "Happy Holidays" have many meanings

(1) As "Happy Holiday", an English translation of the Hebrew Hag Sameach greeting on Passover, Sukkot, and Shavuot.

(2) As "Happy Holiday", a substitution for "Merry Christmas".

(3) As "Happy Holidays", a collective and inclusive wish for the period encompassing Thanksgiving, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Winter solstice, Christmas Day (The Nativity of the Lord), Boxing Day (St. Stephen's Day), the New Year and Epiphany.

(4) As "Happy Holidays", a shortened form of the greeting "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year."

Blogging Alerts is also wishing You great "Happy Holidays"

Christmas Decorations on Google

Decorations of Christmas on Google

Only 3 days left for Christmas (25th December, 2011) and Google is decorating their search engine with some beautiful decorations. Actually If you will type "Christmas" on you may notice Google has been started Christmas decorations.

I already post a topic on Let it Snow which is also a beauty and Now, I found how Google decorating their search engine for Christmas.

You can also type christmas 2011, christmas tree shop, christmas tree, christmas songs, christmas ideas, christmas decorations into and may check the decoration bar below Google search engine box.

Christmas Decoration on Google

Hope you will like it.

Type "Let it Snow" into Google and See Snow Fall on Your PC

Google is Celebrating Holidays with "Let it Snow"

Holidays has been started and one of the greatest search engine i.e. Google is already started celebrating holidays with their own way. Actually, Google is celebrating holidays with some the amazing decorations for "Christmas" and "New Year" for upcoming year 2012. You can also check how Google is celebrating Christmas and New Year Holidays.

To see this just type Let it Snow into and see the snow fall on your personal computer or laptop.

I captured this beauty and you can see at below.

(1) You will see little snow fall at the starting (when you hit query "let it snow")

Let is Snow on Google

(2) At the middle.

Let it snow

(3) At last you can find the button "defrost" by clicking that button you can again start snow fall on your personal computer.

Defrost Lwt it Snow

Hope you will enjoy this.

Monday, December 19, 2011

How to Add Users in StatCounter for Sharing Website Traffic ?

Add Users in StatCounter for Sharing Your Website Traffic

If you are running a website and using StatCounter (Free Counter) on your website and want to share your website traffic details with any of your friend then you can do it very easily using StatCounter. Actually StatCounter is providing the same feature as Google Analytics providing for adding admin.

How To Add User - Making Someone to Admin in StatCounter

Four simple steps will guide how easily you can "Add Users" in StatCounter.

Step 1: Login to Your StatCounter account. Click on "Users" as shown below.

StatCounter Add User

Step 2: You will be redirect to a new page where you can see list of users. Now click on "Add Another User" as shown below.

Step 3:
After clicking "Add Another User" you will redirect to a new page from where you can add any of your friend to which you want to share your StatCounter traffic for any of your project.

Adding Users Stat Counter

Step 4: You have many option like "Access Rights" and "Project Access"

Access Rights
you can choose any one of the following access.

(a) Admin (full access to ALL projects)
(b) Web Designer
(c) Billing
(d) Stats Viewer
(e) Summary Stats Viewer

Project Access You can assign any of project. If you want to show only one website details then you can do so using "Project Access".

Hope this guide will help you alot regarding adding a user in StatCounter.

Google Analytics is Updating IQ Course and Exam

Google Analytics IQ Course, Exam and Test

If you are preparing for Google Analytics Exams then you may know that Google Analytics new version is already came and According to official blog post of Analytics, Google Analytics is going to change the IQ course and exam also.

An updated exam will be available in first week of January 2012

A new version of Google Analytics have the following features

(a) Understand accounts, web properties, and profiles in the new Google Analytics,

(b) Know the goal types and when to use each type,

(c) Understand the concepts of “metric” and “dimension”,

(d) Be aware of new Google Analytics capabilities and reports. (Try reviewing recent posts on this blog to make sure you’re up to speed.)

If you are preparing for this exam then try to learn Google Analytics New Version.

How Google, Yahoo and Bing 404 Error Page are Looking ?

When Someone type Wrong URL ? How Google's, Yahoo's and Bing's 404 Error Page are Looking ?

404 Error Page means the page is not on the particular website. It will be interesting to see how Google, Yahoo and Bing 404 Error Page is showing on their websites respectively ?.

404 Error Page of Google

How 404 Error Page is Looking on Google ?

The Google's 404 Error Page is simple one and is showing as follows. For example, If someone type a wrong URL (Let's say in browser then the following message will appear in (404 Error Page)

404. That’s an error.

The requested URL /404 was not found on this server.
That’s all we know.

Google 404 Error Page

404 Error Page of Yahoo

How 404 Error Page is Looking on Yahoo ?

The 404 Error Page of Yahoo is totally different from Google's 404 Error Page. Actually, Yahoo is used the search If someone type a wrong URL in

For example: I type and Yahoo show me the following message.

Sorry, the page you were looking for could not be found on Yahoo! Search
Showing related results for:

Also Yahoo, is showing the other results related to 404 error.

If someone type a wrong URL in Yahoo then the following message will appear.

Yahoo 404 Error Page

404 Error Page of Bing

How 404 Error Page is Looking on Bing ?

On the other hand Bing is also showing different type of 404 Error Page and If you want to check how Bing's 404 Error Page is looking then try to enter wrong URL and see the 404 Error Page.

For example: I type wrong URL in Bing as and Bing returned the following results

That web page doesn't exist.

Let's see if we can help you find what you are looking for.


Check that the web address that you entered doesn't contain a typo.
Use the search box instead of your browser's address bar.
Go to the Bing homepage.
Find more search tips in Help.

Bing 404 Error Page

After seeing 3 Major Search Engine's 404 Error Pages which one is liked by you ?

I personally think Google's 404 Error Page is one of the best looking 404 Error Page.

Share your thoughts !

Sunday, December 18, 2011

How to Set up a Mail Account in MS Outlook Express ?

Configure Mail Account in MS Outlook Express

If you are new to "Outlook Express" and do not know how to set up a mail account with "Microsoft Outlook Express" then here you can easily learn steps for configuring a mail account with "Outlook Express".

Step 1: First of all open "Outlook Express" and you will see the following window.

Create New Email Account Outlook Express

Step 2: Click on Set up mail account..

After clicking on Set up mail account..You will get a new window and their you will have to fill your name. (Use that name which you want for sending or receiving mail)

Fill Name For Creation of New Account

Step 3: After filling the name you have to fill the email address. The email address which you make in your hosting account. For example, I make email id "" replace "" name with your website name where your website is hosted.

Email Id Outlook Express

Step 4: Now fill your Incoming Mail (POP3, IMAP, or HTTP Server) and Outgoing mail (SMTP) server. You can get Incoming Mail and Outgoing Mail from your server where you website is hosted.

Step 5: Now fill the name and password which you have got from your hosting services. (Or you made in your hosting account)

Click on the "next" and Now you configured the mail successfully and try to send your first mail in outlook.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

How to Add Products in Amazon Seller Account ? Guide for Adding Products, Creating Product Page on

How to Add Single Item, Multiple Items and Creating Product Page on ?

There are many methods for adding products in for selling. This guide will help you how can you add your products in your Amazon Seller account.

Step 1: Sign In Amazon Seller Account

First of all sign in to Amazon Seller Page.

Amazon Seller Account

Step 2: Amazon Inventory Page

After login, you will be redirect to "Amazon Inventory Page" from where you can add 'New Products', 'Upload New Items', 'Upload Multiple Items', 'can check your Payments' and many other important things related to your "Amazon Seller Page".

Amazon Seller Account with Navigation

Step 3: List Single Item

First of all you can start with “List Single Items”. Click on the “single items links” and you will be redirect to a new page and from their you can add "single item". Single Items can be added only under the other seller. (Actually, According to Amazon "The product you are adding may already exist on Amazon. Search our Catalog for the product you want to sell and save yourself some time")

Example: I searched the “Green Screen Kit” on given search box and a list came with those suppliers who are selling “Green Screen Kit” and I can add my product under any of one supplier.

Add a Product on Amazon (Single Item List)

Step 4: Sell Yours

After Clicking “Sell Yours” you will be redirect to a page from where you can list your product details.

Add Product Amazon

Step 5: Uploading Multiple Items

If you do not want to add "single item" then you have option for adding "Uploading Multiple Items" with a single click. To use this you have two options:

(a) Prepare Your Inventory File
(b) Upload Your Inventory File

Amazon Add Multiple Items

Step 6: Creating a Product Page

To start creating a detail page, first of all you must have to classify the product. Search the items which you want to create a product page. Same as in step 3. After searching item you will be redirect to a page where you can fill our product details.

Creating a Product Page Amazon

After clicking category you will redirect to a new page from where you can add details for product page.

Fill Form Amazon

Note: You must have UPC or EAN for creating a product page.

Step 7: Orders, Get Paid, Reports and Settings

You can also check Orders, Get Paid, Reports and Settings from your Amazon Seller account page.

Hope this guide helpful for you adding products in your "Amazon Seller Account"

If you are getting any problem with adding products in Amazon then you can post you query here.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

How to Add Other User and Admin in Google Analytics (New Interface)?

How to Give Access to Others and Making New Admin in Google Analytics ?

If you are using Google Analytics and looking for guide to making administrator to anyone then you can make admin to anyone by the following steps.

(1) Login to Google Analytics.

(2) Now Go to the account for which you want to make admin to someone.

(3) Click on the small "settings icon" which is appearing at the top right hand side of orange bar.

Google Analytics Settings

(4) After clicking the "settings icon" you will see five tabs (a) Assets (b) Goals (c) Users (d) Filters (e) Profile Settings

Now click on the the "Users" tab for adding users and administrator.

Google Analytics Users Tab

(5) After clicking "User" tab you will see option for adding "New User"

Add User Google Analytics

(6) Now fill the Email Id of that person for which you want to make "admin" or "users" and click on create user. If you make admin to someone then Administrators have full access to all account profiles.

Google Analyics New Interface Make Admin

Hope this guide will be helpful for you.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Yellow Pages Listing - List of Various Yellow Pages Listing Websites

What is Yellow Page Listing ?

Yellow page listing is like a directory where you can add your business, company name, title of your business, description of your business, your employee details, your website phone number, your website URL etc yellow pages are helpful to increase your website and business traffic.

List of Yellow Pages Websites

If you are looking for list of free Yellow Pages websites for adding your websites or business then below mentioned is the list of free Yellow Pages directories where you can add your business listing.

Hope these Yellow Pages will helpful your business.

What is Local Listing ? Google, Yahoo and Bing Map Local Listing

What is Local Listing ?

Local Listing means adding business to the local search engines. By doing this you can promote your business easily because thousands of people are searching many items locally.

Example: If you have a business and you want to do local listing for your business in Google Local Listing then you can do local listing for your business by visiting

Example of Local Listing in Google Search Engine

For example, I searched the query "software development company new york" and Google recommended the "Places for software development company near New York, NY" and "Map for software development company new york" is displaying as follows.

Google Local Listing

The benefits for local listing in Google are that you can get direct link of your place and also may review from the visitors and also it will increase your website or business traffic. One of the important thing is that its totally free of cost.

How to Do Local Listing in Google, Yahoo, Bing and AOL

By visiting below mentioned websites you can do local listing for your business in different search engines.

Google ->

Yahoo ->

Bing ->

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Where is Google Second Search Box ?

Google Second Search Box is Missing

If you are using Google on regular basis then you will notice Google is changing many things on their homepage. Now, Google did a very big change. The second search box of Google is not showing on Google SERP's I think it happening from last two to three months. Actually, I want to update this change before but due to lack of time I could not write on this topic. I think from last September, 2011 Google is not showing the second search box on Google search engine result pages.

Why Google removed the Second Search Box ?

I think due to Google Instant Google removed the second search box.

Browsers like Firefox and Google Chrome You cannot see Google's second search box.

Google Second Search Box Removed

But in IE 6 you can see Google's second search box.

Google 2nd Search Box on IE

Monday, December 12, 2011

Gmail - How to Revert to Old look ?

Google Changed Gmail Look - Gmail's New Look

Did you notice Gmail changed the design and structure and provided a new look ? But many of people and professionals did not want to adopted it easily. Actually, the main reason behind this is that people are 'use to the old things' and do not want to learn new things.

Unfortunately, One of my friend asked me how to revert back to old Gmail look ? and he do not want to adopted new look and want to revert back to old look. Then, I found the solution for it.

You can also revert back to old look by the following steps

(1) Login to your Gmail's Email Account

(2) Found the Setting Icons below your Gmail Id. (see image below)

(3) Click on the Settings and found the option Revert to old look temporarily.

How To Revert Old Look in Gmail

Note: Its a temporary change and I think Gmail will remove this option soon and everyone will be redirected to Gmail's new look.

20 Million Hits Kolaveri Di is the Biggest Indian Viral Hit

In these days Kolaveri Di is very famous on all social networking websites including YouTube, Facebook, Yahoo, Google+ and many of Indian TV Channels. But I personally, think there may be many professionals who may do not know about this song. So, from here you can get some useful information about Kolaveri Di song and the impact of the song on social networking websites.

Do you know What is Kolaveri Di ?

Kolaveri Di is an Indian song from the soundtrack of the upcoming Tamil film "3" which is going to release in 2012.

Do you Know How Much Hits Kolaveri Di Got Within 25 Days ?

Kolaveri Di got 20,341,650 views on YouTube and its counting. It was released on 16th November 2011 and became viral on social networking sites.

Detailed of the Views on YouTube and Facebook

On YouTube 20,341,650 Views

On Facebook
5.8 Million Shares

Why This Kolaveri Di Full Song Promo Video in HD

Did You Like this Song ?

Just for your information this YouTube get 169,814 likes and 8,570 dislikes (you can choose any of both and may increase the numbers)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

New Way to Navigate Google - Google's Homepage New Look

Google's Homepage New Look

I think Google is experimenting the new look of homepage. The new homepage has no black navbar. It just have the 'Google Logo' on the top of left side and by clicking a drop down menu bar is coming and from their user can select +You, Search, Image, Maps, YouTube, News, Gmail, Documents, More.

A Welcome message is appearing on the top of Google homepage

"Welcome to the new way to navigate Google. Roll over the logo to have a look"

The new Google home page look is as follows (as on 11th December 2011)

Google Homepage New Look

By Clicking More option Google homepage is looking as follows

Google Home Page New Look

Did you notice this new change on Google Homepage ?

If you noticed this change on Google homepage then you can share your views about like or dislike of this new change.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Intel Play Game The Curious Connection Win Goodie Bag

Intel The Curious Connection

Intel Curiosity

Intel celebrates the path of innovation. Born of curiosity, carried through to discovery and landing firmly at innovation.

This Week Quick Quiz (10th December 2011)

When was the EEG Electroencephalograph first used ?

(a) 1921
(b) 1924
(c) 1974
(d) 1977

To send your answer. SMS INTEL <a/b/c/d> to 54242

1 lucky winner will get an Intel goodie bag every week.

Intel The Curious Connection

Join Intel The Curious Connection on Facebook

Buy Microsoft 4 Products and Chance to Win a Trip to Berlin

MSN India Introducing Don 2 Film Contest

Meet Don by Buy Windows

Here is a chance for you & your family to meet the Don and win a trip to Berlin. Just buy any of these 4 Microsoft products :

Windows 7 PC, Windows Phone, Xbox 360 & Office 2010.

Other Prizes: MSN India will decide at the end of a stipulated period to award the Top Scorers with surprise MSN Prizes. If you are a Top Scorer, you will be intimated via e-mail at the e-mail ID you used to sign up.

Hurry Offers Closes on 7th January 2012

If you want to participate in this connect you can register here

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Google Knol is Retiring on May 1, 2012

Google Knol is Retiring

If you are updating Knol (a unit of knowledge) on daily basis then their is bad news for you that Knol is going to shut down on 1st May 2012. Google announced few days ago, that Knol will be moving to Annotum on May 1, 2012

What is Annotum ?

Annotum, an open-source platform based upon WordPress that allows you to continue authoring and publishing scholarly articles. You can migrate your knols to WordPress and continue your work with Annotum.

Good news is that you can update your Knol's to your Wordpress blog or you can download your all Knol to a file.

Recently, Google announced, some of its services are going to close on 15th January 2011 and this time Google announced Google Knol, Google Wave, Google Friend Connect and Google Gears are going to discontinue.

Why Google is Closing these Projects ?

I think its the very typical question and only Google or any Google employee can answer this.

How Fast is Wikipedia regarding Updating of the Content ?

Wikipedia is most reliable Website in World of Internet How ?

I think Wikipedia is one of best website in world who is providing reliable information. The reason for being Wikipedia is number one that it is regularly updating the content and providing unique and reliable content. The Wikipedia watching each and every activity in world whether its related to sports, technology, entertainment, politics etc. and whenever any type of activity or news happen in the world then Wikipedia is updating the content within very little span of time.

You can See the following Example and Guess How much Fast is Wikipedia for updating content.

Today, Virender Sehwag (Cricketer from India) made double century (219 scores, its a world record) against West Indies and I was reading Sehwag's biography on Wikipedia before he did not make double century and When Sehwag made double century Wikipedia also update content on Sehwag's biography.

The Following Content Added to Sehwag's Biography Within Very Little Span of Time

(1) When Sehwag reached to 200 runs Wikipedia update the following content.

On 8 December 2011, he hit his maiden double century in ODI cricket, against West Indies, becoming the second batsman after Sachin Tendulkar to reach the landmark.

(2) When Sehwag Out Wikipedia update the following content

His score remains the highest individual score in ODI cricket - 219 off 149 balls

(3) At last, Wikipedia update the following content

He is the only player in world to score a double hundred in ODI and a triple hundred in Test Cricket.

You can see the below image.

Sehwag Biography

Really, Wikipedia is a great portal who is providing reliable information.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Diego Rivera 125th Birthday - Google Doodle Celebrating Diego Rivera Birthday on 8th December 2011

Diego Rivera 125th Birthday

Diego Maria, was a painter from Guanajuato and Today (8th December 2011), is birthday of Diego Maria and Google is celebrating Diego Maria by making a great doodle.

Google Doodle Celebrating Diego Rivera Birthday on 8th December 2011

Diego Rivera 125th Birthday Google Doodle

Diego Maria (December 8, 1886 – November 24, 1957) was a Mexican painter. You can read all details at Wikipedia.

You can give your valuable comment here regarding this Google Doodle !

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What are WordAds ? How to Make Money by Joining WordPress WordAds ?

Opportunity for WordPress Bloggers to Make Money Through WordAds

If you have a WordPress blog and having custom domain name for your WordPress blog then here is an opportunity for you to earn money from your WordPress blog through WordAds.

What are WordAds ?

WordAds are ads, we can say similar to Google Ads, Kontera Ads or Infolinks from where any good blogger can earn decent amount of money.

Actually, Wordpress introduced WordAds by partnership with Federated Media (FM) to provide advertising representation to bloggers.

How to Apply for WordAds ?

If your blog have quality content and having good traffic then you can apply for WordAds. For joining WordAds you must have WordPress account.

According to WordPress, the selection will be based on level of traffic and engagement, type of content, and language used on a blog. Some blogs may not be accepted.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Did You Like YouTube New Look ? YouTube New Design, Favicon and Other Features

YouTube New Look

Recently, I think on 1st December, 2011 YouTube has changed their design, looks and included some new features. Did you notice new changes made by YouTube ? Actually I was watching a video on YouTube and suddenly, I noticed YouTube made some changes.

What is New on YouTube ? Design, Favicon and Other New Features

You Tube changed the design, logo and favicon. Now on the top of website you can see ads, at left hand side you can see create account and sign in option at middle you can see latest update videos.

YouTube New Look

Did You Like the New Design of YouTube ?

I liked YouTube new design but of my friend did not like YouTube new looks. So, I am excited to know how many people around the world will like the new looks of YouTube.

You can share your valuable comments here !

How to Recover from Panda Update - Advise by Matt Cutts

How to Recover from Panda Update ?

Google Panda update affected many websites through out the world. If your website is affected by last Google Panda update then you can see Matt Cutts video that is advising how can you recover from Panda Update.

Actually, One of the webmaster asked the following question from Matt Cutts

Hi Matt I understand that the recent farmer update (Panda) gives a penalty for poor content. Given the penalty scrapers have been outranking original sites. Should webmasters spend time in fighting scrapers directly or work on the poor content?

And Matt gives the answer by video. You can also watch this video in Google Webmaster Help on You Tube

Matt Cutts is advising improve your website content. If your website have lower content or not good content then remove that pages which have not value for users. Update your website content and post only quality content to your website.

I think, This conclude only content is king to recover from Panda Update.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

How to Contribute to Wikipedia ?

Help Wikipedia by Adding Useful Information

Wikipedia is ad free and one of the best encyclopedia in the world. You may notice for each query Wikipedia is coming in top positions of Google SERP's or any other search engine. The reason for coming Wikipedia in top positions is that it is providing unique and useful information and Wikipedia has strong internal linking and results its one of the number one website in world. There are many persons who are contributing to Wikipedia by writing and Do you know you can also contribute to Wikipedia by writing ?

Actually, Wikipedia is a open source website and anyone can contribute to Wikipedia even without registering to it.

Also, you can start a topic and edit any topic on Wikipedia but your information must be reliable and useful for users and must be according to the guidelines of Wikipedia.

If you cannot donate to Wikipedia then the best option for you at this time is to add useful information in Wikipedia.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Google Adsense - Is EFT available in My Country ?

Check Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is Available in Your Country For Getting Your Adsense Earned Money

If you are a Google Adsense user and you earned $100 for first time and want to get your payment as soon as possible then one of best option for getting your earned money by using Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

Actually, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), is one of the fastest method that can directly deposit your AdSense earnings into your bank account, in your local currency. Google is also recommending try to adopted EFT for receiving payment. But, unfortunately EFT is not available for all countries. Out of 257 countries in world only 29 countries have the option for receiving payment by EFT (Google is trying to include more countries)

List of Countries in Which EFT is Available

If you are living in any of below mentioned 29 countries then you have option to receive you payment by EFT. Simply follow the instructions to receive payment by EFT.

1 Australia
2 Austria
3 Belgium
4 Canada
5 Czech Republic
6 Denmark
7 Finland
8 France
9 Germany
10 Greece
11 Hong Kong
12 Hungary
13 Ireland
14 Israel
15 Italy
16 Japan
17 Mexico
18 Netherlands
19 New Zealand
20 Norway
21 Poland
22 Portugal
23 Slovakia
24 Spain
25 Sweden
26 Switzerland
27 Turkey
28 United States
29 United Kingdom

List of Countries not having EFT Option for Getting Google Adsense Earnings

If you are living in any of the below mentioned country then you have not option for receiving your payment by EFT, You can get your earned Google Adsense payment through cheque. (I think all below mentioned 228 countries have option for creating Google Adsense Account, Request to verify it from Google Adsense)


American Samoa
Antigua and Barbuda
Ashmore and Cartier Islands


Bahamas, The
Bassas da India
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bouvet Island
British Indian Ocean Territory
British Virgin Islands
Burkina Faso


Cape Verde
Cayman Islands
Central African Republic
Christmas Island
Clipperton Island
Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Congo, Republic of the
Cook Islands
Coral Sea Islands
Costa Rica
Cote d'Ivoire


Dominican Republic


El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea
Europa Island


Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
Faroe Islands
French Guiana
French Polynesia
French Southern and Antarctic Lands


Gambia, The
Gaza Strip
Glorioso Islands


Heard Island and McDonald Islands
Holy See (Vatican City)


Isle of Man


Jan Mayen
Juan de Nova Island


Korea, North
Korea, South




Marshall Islands
Micronesia, Federated States of


Navassa Island
Netherlands Antilles
New Caledonia
Norfolk Island
Northern Mariana Islands




Papua New Guinea
Paracel Islands
Pitcairn Islands
Puerto Rico






Saint Helena
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
San Marino
Sao Tome and Principe
Saudi Arabia
Serbia and Montenegro
Sierra Leone
Solomon Islands
South Africa
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
Spratly Islands
Sri Lanka


Trinidad and Tobago
Tromelin Island
Turks and Caicos Islands


United Arab Emirates


Virgin Islands


Wake Island
Wallis and Futuna
West Bank
Western Sahara





Hope this information related to EFT for Google Adsense will help you alot.

Again Blue Arrow on Google Homepage - Click Here to Start Sharing on Google+

Again Blue Arrow on Google Homepage - Promotion of Google+

I already discuss about blue arrow on Google Homepage. Today, on dated 30th November 2011, Again I found blue arrow is showing on Google Homepage ( and below mentioned message is appearing above Google logo.

"Click here to start sharing on Google+

Google really want to promote Google+ that's why you can see a blue arrow on Google Homepage.

Also, today is birthday of Mark Twain' 176th birthday and Google is showing blue arrow above the Google Doodle logo of Mark Twain Birthday. See the snapshot below.

Google Blue Arrow

Did you join Google + by Clicking Blue Arrow ?

A question came to my mind how many people joined Google+ by clicking this blue arrow ?

You can share your valuable comments on this topic.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Mark Twain's - 176 Birthday - Google 4 Doodle Celebrating Mark Twain Birthday on 30th November 2011

Mark Twain's - 176 Birthday

Today, 30th November 2011, is birthday of Mark Twain who was an American author and humorist.

Google 4 Doodle Celebrating Mark Twain Birthday on 30th November 2011

Google is celebrating Mark Twain birthday by making Google for Doodle for Mark Twain

Mark-Twain Birthday on 30th November - Google Doodle

According to Wikipedia Mark Twain Born (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) on November 30, 1835 (1835-11-30) at Florida, Missouri, U.S. and died on April 21, 1910. He was as great Occupation Writer and lecturer.

Monday, November 28, 2011

How to Check the URL of Post in Blogger ?

From Where You can Copy Link Location of Post While Using Blogger

Did you create a new post in blogger ? and looking for URL of the new post without opening blog then here is the solution for checking the URL of the post. (You can also check older posts URL with this method)

Steps for Checking URL of Post in Blogger

(1) Click on "Edit Posts" from your blogger dashboard.

(2) You will see two options "Edit" and "View" near to your blogger posts.

(3) Now If you want to copy link location of any of post then Right Click on the "View" (near to your blogger post) and copy link location using mouse.

For example: I want to copy link location of my one of post and I do not want to open my blog. Then I will click on the "Edit Posts" from dashboard.

Now, I will click on the right button of mouse on "View" and by this I can copy link location of the post. (See below mentioned image)

Hope with this method you can easily copy link location of your blogger post without opening your blogger.

Friday, November 25, 2011

How to Integrate Forum with Wordpress Blog ? What is bbPress Forum ? What are the Requirements for Adding bbPress Forum in Wordpress ?

Forum are the greatest way to boost your website traffic and If you have a Wordpress blog and want to integrate Forum with your Wordpress blog then bbPress in best option for you.

What is bbPress Forum ?

bbPress (open source) is plain and simple forum software. It’s easy to use, easy to administrate, fast and clean. For adding bbPress in your blog you need very small part of coding.

How to Integrate bbPress Forum with Wordpress Blog ?

You can integrate bbPress plugin with 5 minutes.

1. Download latest version 2.0.1

2. Place the 'bbpress' folder in your '/wp-content/plugins/' directory.

3. Activate bbPress.

4. Visit 'Settings > Forums' and adjust your configuration.

5. Create some forums.

6. View your site.

7. Adjust the CSS of your theme as needed, to make everything pretty.

What are the Requirements for Adding bbPress in Wordpress blog ?

1. Requires WordPress Version: 3.2.1 or higher

2. Compatible up to: 3.2.1

Hope you will like this bbPress open source software and will easily install this software in your blog.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Donate Rs. 100, Rs. 200 or Rs. 300 to Great Website Wikipedia

Donate Rs. 100, Rs. 200 or Rs. 300 to Wikipedia

Do you know Wikipedia is one of the best website in world and its a open source and non profit organization developed by Jimmy Wales ?

Do you know how Wikipedia is living ?

This website is non profit organization and its living on the basis of donation given by various people all over the world each year.

Why Wikipedia is looking for donations ?

To run this website successfully (without ads) Jimmy Wales looking for donations

According to Jimmy Wales

If everyone reading this donated Rs 100, we would only have to fundraise for one day a year. But not everyone can or will donate. And that's fine. Each year just enough people decide to give.

I think every IT professional can understand this and can help Wikipedia by donating some rupees.

How to Delete a Blog in Blogger ?

Steps for Deleting a Blog in Blogger

One of my friend make a blog in blogger but he did not like that blog and want to delete that blog. Unfortunately he could not found the option for deleting a blog because he is not much familiar with blogger, Then he ask me on phone I advise him how easily he can delete his blog.

If you make a blog lets say '' and want to delete this blog then you can check the following steps for deleting a blog.

Steps for Deleting a Blog

(a) Log in to Blogger dashboard.

(b) Select blog which you want to delete.

(c) Go to Settings.

Setting in Blogger

(d) After clicking on settings you will see 'Blog Tools' on the top which will have the following options

Import blog - Export blog - Delete blog

Delete Blog

(e) Click on Delete Blog and Your blog will be deleted (But it will be remain hide in blogger dashboard for 90 days. After 90 days it will completely delete)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Buy Google Chromebook in Holidays

Google Chromebook is available with Samsung and Acer. You can buy these chrome book in your coming holidays.


Samsung Chrome Book


12.1" (1280x800) 300 nit Display
Starting at 3.06 lbs / 1.38 kg 1
6 – 8.5 hours of continuous usage 2
Intel® AtomTM Dual-Core Processor
Built in dual-band Wi-Fi and World-mode 3G (optional)
Webcam 3
2 USB 2.0 ports
4-in-1 memory card slot
Mini-VGA port
Fullsize Chrome keyboard
Oversize fully-clickable trackpad


Acer Google Chrome Book


11.6" HD Widescreen CineCrystalTM LED-backlit LCD
3.19 lbs | 1.45 kg
6 hours of continuous usage 1
Intel® AtomTM Dual-Core Processor
Built in dual-band Wi-Fi and World-mode 3G (optional)
HD Webcam
High-Definition Audio Support
2 USB 2.0 ports
4-in-1 memory card slot
HDMI port
Fullsize Chrome keyboard
Oversize fully-clickable trackpad

Chromebook available online at here Google Chromebook Official Website

Monday, November 21, 2011

Yahoo Site Explorer is Going to Shut Down on 21st November 2011

Yahoo Site Explorer ! No More

Its a bad news for those who loves Yahoo Site Explorer. Actually Yahoo is closing Yahoo Site Explorer from today. If you are using Yahoo Site Explorer to determine backlinks then from tomorrow you could not check because this service is going to shut down.

According to Yahoo, Webmasters should now be using the Bing Webmaster Tools to ensure that their websites continue to get high quality organic search traffic from Bing and Yahoo!. Site Explorer services will not be available from November 21, 2011.

I personally think its not a good news for all webmaster around the world specially for SEO professional who were using Yahoo Site Explorer for determine the backlinks for any website and Yahoo Site Explorer was one of best backlink checker tool.

Hope Bing will be also provide same results as that of Yahoo Site Explorer.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

How to Add Meta Tags to Blogger Homepage ?

Adding Meta Tags to Blogger

Meta tags (Title Tag and Description Tag) are very useful for SEO purposes, Search engines specially Google, Yahoo and Bing are giving very importance to meta tags.

There are two major meta tags (a) Meta Title (b) Meta Description

By default blogger has 'title tag' but do not have 'description tag'. So for adding meta description tag you can use the following steps.

(a) Log in to Blogger

(b) Go to Design

(c) Go to Edit HTML (Design -> Edit HTML)

(d) Find <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/> by Ctrl + F

(e) Add the meta tags below this line <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

For example, If you want to add 'meta description tag' then add the following code below <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

<meta content='Your Description' name='description'/>

Change "Your Description" to "your website description (which is describing your website)"

* You can also add other meta tags.

(f) Save Template

Note: Do not use "&" symbol in your description, If you want to use "&" then use only "and" because "&" may give you error for saving your template.

YouTube's Most Viewed Video - Charlie Bit My Finger - Again !

YouTube's Most Viewed User Generated Video

Do you know which is most viewed video on YouTube since 2005 ? Then here you can watch that video i.e. Charlie Bit My Finger - Again ! Its one of the most viewed video on YouTube.

This video has total 389,189,749 views and total comments are 626,689

Total Likes of this video: 808848

Dislikes of this video: 106743

Hope you will also like this video

Monday, November 14, 2011

SEO Tips Given by Bing

Did you launch a new website ? and want to optimize your new website and looking for SEO tips for promoting your website then here you can find some SEO tips provided by Bing on their Webmaster Center Blog.

Some Interesting SEO tips Given by Bing

Site Structure: Site structure of website should be good and readable by search engine and users.

On Page Factors: According to Bing your website must have a unique Title and characters of of the Title should be 65 (You can include some keywords which are focusing on your content)

Things Which Bing Love

(a) RSS feeds
(b) Wonderful UX
(c) Social love

Things Which Bing Hate

(a) cloaking
(b) link buying
(c) like farms
(d) link farms
(e) three-way linking
(f) duplicating content
(g) auto-follows in social media
(h) the thin content approach

Hope these SEO tips will increase your website's SEO rankings.