Do You Know Wikipedia is Non Profit Website? is one of the top website in worldwide and open source website. Anybody can contribute to Wikipedia. But, Do you know is non profit website?
If you are using then you will notice a message related to Please Help on the top as follows
Wikipedia is non-profit, but it's the #5 website in the world. With 450 million monthly users, we have costs like any top site: server, power, rent, programs, staff and legal help.
To protect our independence, we'll never run ads. We take no government funds. We run on donations. 100 Rupees is the most common, the world average is about 1500 rupees.
If every one reading this gave 100 rupees, our fundraiser would be done withing an hour. Please help us forget fundraising and get back to Wikipedia.
So, I think we must have to save this great website by contribute Rs. 100/- or more. is one of the top website in worldwide and open source website. Anybody can contribute to Wikipedia. But, Do you know is non profit website?
If you are using then you will notice a message related to Please Help on the top as follows
Wikipedia is non-profit, but it's the #5 website in the world. With 450 million monthly users, we have costs like any top site: server, power, rent, programs, staff and legal help.
To protect our independence, we'll never run ads. We take no government funds. We run on donations. 100 Rupees is the most common, the world average is about 1500 rupees.
If every one reading this gave 100 rupees, our fundraiser would be done withing an hour. Please help us forget fundraising and get back to Wikipedia.
So, I think we must have to save this great website by contribute Rs. 100/- or more.
Read: How to Contribute to Wikipedia?