Before starting about Meta Tag Optimization you must know about Title, Description and URL.
Title Tag, Description Tag and URL Optimization
Title Tag: Title tag is main heading of website or heading of post. Its the major factor for getting rank in search engine. Make useful Title tag for your website by using keywords which describes to your website. Try to use 65-70 words in Title.
Description Tag: It describes the summary of website. You can explain brief summary of your Website in description tag. Use only Important keywords which best describes your website. Try to use 150-250 words in your description tags.
URL Optimization: You can see URL optimization is also major factor to get higher rankings. Include your keyword in URL.
Meta Tag is one of major factor of on page activity to get your website ranking in search engine result pages. Actually each search engine is showing title and description tag when any body search any query. You can check the result as follows:-.
I am taking the example of Google Search Engine
I search the query "niagara falls"
I get the following results. Google crawler see the Meta Tags containing the word "niagara falls" and showing the results which contain the keyword "niagara falls" and which website follows Google Search Engine guidelines.
The Details can be describe as follow for all the Meta Tags.
Suppose for this Post I make the following Meta Tags.
Title: Meta Tags Optimization - How to Make Useful Title, Description and URL ?
Description: This article explain all about meta tags. How to make useful Title, Description and URL to get higher rankings in search engines.
URL May be: /meta-tags-optimization-how-to-make-useful-title-description-and-url.html
Keyword Tag: Keyword Tag is not important nowadays but nobody knows search engine algorithms so you can use important 4-5 keywords in your keyword meta tags.
So, try to make useful meta tags to get higher rankings in Search Engine Result Pages.
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