Saturday, June 11, 2011

How to Change Favicon in Blogger ? Change Default Blogger Orange Favicon.Ico to Your Own Logo Favicon.Ico

Add Your Own Favicon.ico in Blogger

I already explain about favicon in blogger. If you want to change blogger favicon then you can change it by the following simple method.

Step 1: Open

Step 2: From blogger dashboard, choose your blog for which you want to change favicon.

Step 3: Click on Design.

Design Blogger

Step 4: After Clicking on Design you will be redirected to new page i.e. "Add and Arrange Page Elements". At this page on the top just above navbar you will see Favicon Edit Option.

Blooger Favicon Ico

Step 5: Click on Edit and add your .ico file (Add your own logo's favicon.ico file)

Remember, the size of file must be less than that of 10 KB. If you do not know how to make favicon (16×16 pixels) then you can read how to make favicon.ico ?

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