Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Blog is not Redirecting to Custom Domain - Purchased Directly from Google Blogger

Blog is not Redirecting to Custom Domain - Purchased Through Google

If you recently purchased a custom domain through Google for blogger (blogspot.com) then you will notice your old blogger URL will not redirect to your new custom domain.

Example: If your blog address is http://mywebsite.blogspot.com then your blogger address will not redirect to your new custom domain i.e. http://www.mywebsite.com

Actually Your Blog is in Transition

So, If you purchased a custom domain through Google for blogspot.com then do not be panic and wait for at least 3 Days (72 hours), Actually your blog is in transition and it may take some time for 301 permanent redirection.

According to Blogger

Your blog is in transition

Your blog's new address is http://www.yourwebsite.com/. Since it takes time for this new address to be available all over the Internet, you can still get to it at http://yourwebsite.blogspot.com.

Your new address should work for everyone after at most 3 days. At that time we will redirect your readers from your old address to the new one.


  1. Actually i have redirected my phphunger.blogspot.in to phphunger.com and i have purchased my phphunger.com domain in net4.in.. i changed everything but no change till now..any help...

  2. I checked..Your blog is redirecting to custom domain. Actually Blogger is taking maximum 3 days for transition.

  3. Hi, it has been 2 weeks and mine still not redirected. Need your help in this matter.

  4. Hi..I have purchased a domain "indianbeautyjournal.com" but it is still not working.it has been more than 3 days so am really worried.Please help..the previous url was http://myrendezvouswithcolours.blogspot.in/

  5. Hi, I checked Your blog is redirecting to custom domain..Please verify its once..

  6. Hello, I bought a custom domain (www.lifeconnectionstudio.com) for my blog (http://thelifejourneyofsara.blogspot.com/) at least 10 days ago. My blog control panel has never said anything about being in transition. The custom domain is just a blank Google aps page. So I tried adding the custom name in the advanced settings and it says "Another blog or Google Site is already using this address." Help! :) I'm not sure where to get help for this as it's not the normal thing and Google isn't very approachable. Thank-you much!

  7. Hi SaraAmarie,

    I checked your website and I found its redirecting to https://sites.google.com/a/lifeconnectionstudio.com/sites/system/app/pages/meta/domainWelcome

    Can you tell from where you purchased this domain www.lifeconnectionstudio.com?

    Did you buy it directly from Blogger?

    I think this link will be helpful for you alot regarding custom domain in blogger http://support.google.com/blogger/bin/static.py?hl=en&ts=1233381&page=ts.cs

    Hope it will work for you.

  8. Yes, I bought the custom domain through Blogger. Like I said above, my blog control panel never said it was in transition and now almost two weeks later its still not redirecting. Also I tried adding the custom name in the advanced settings of Blogger and it says "Another blog or Google Site is already using this address." So something went wrong and I haven't been able to find any information on this kind of issue. Thank you for any ideas you may have!

  9. Got the problem fixed. I found some information on Google-Blogger groups. I had to deactivation "Sites" from my Google Apps dashboard.

  10. Congrats SaraAmarie,

    Your blog is now redirecting to http://www.lifeconnectionstudio.com

    Happy blogging!!!

  11. Hi SaraAmarie,

    I found one thing in your blog that need to fix..

    On the menu bar you linked 32 Adventures -> as http://thelifejourneyofsara.blogspot.com/2012/04/32-adventures-for-my-thirty-second-year.html

    I think it should be -> http://www.lifeconnectionstudio.com/2012/04/32-adventures-for-my-thirty-second-year.html

    Need to fix this...


  12. Hi,

    Just wondering if you I have to do anything to Google Analytics and Webmaster after changing to a custom domain?
    Would want to to be able to track accurately after the switch.


  13. Hey, I am kind of having the same problem Sara here had. I bought my custom domain directly from Blogger and it's been four days now. This is the message I am getting.

    404. That’s an error.

    The requested URL / was not found on this server. That’s all we know.

    What is the problem here? Would really appreciate your help. Thanks.


  14. Hi, I found Your blog address www.girlfromarabia.blogspot.com is redirecting to www.girlfromarabia.com but it is not working...

    When you buy this domain? Wait for at least 72 hours. Hope it will work shortly..

  15. hi sir my domain not working without www


  16. Hi,

    Go to Settings -> Basic (In Blogger new Interface)

    Now found the Edit option under "Publishing" near to your blog address and click on that. Now found Advance Settings

    Advanced settings
    Redirect example.com to www.example.com

    Hope it will be work for you.

  17. i have also purchased the custom domain through blogger but it is not redirecing only home page...

    first it was netlike.blogspot.com now i have bought recruitpapa.com

    Now when I open netlike.blogspot.com it is redirecting to netlike.blogspot.in not in www.recruitpapa.com

    but its invidiual posts redirecting to www.recruitpapa.com...

    please tell the solution if you know it..It has already 4 days to purchase...


    1. Anil Kumar, Your blog is redirecting to your custom domain please have a look!
